Health Course: Exploring Bio-Energetic medicine
A one day workshop for practitioners interested in exploring the expanding field of Bio-Resonance, homotoxicology and patient testing with Electro-Acupuncture Instruments.
Course Content
This class is specifically designed for those medical and CAM practitioners who are interested in, or who are already integrating bio-energetic medicine into their practices. A mix of lectures and “hands on” practical experience will allow you the chance to try various EAV instruments for the first time or brush up on your existing skills in this field. Those wishing to further refine their technical and clinical abilities to become a “superior practitioner” will be interested to participate. Together we will be exploring techniques for patient assessment and treatment, to address the increasing toxic burden and the presence of “cloaked” disturbances Topics covered in the workshop:
- Principles and practice of Bio-energetic medicine explained
- Human homotoxicology and the six phases of disease development
- New approaches for treatment of allergy/sensitivity/intolerance
- Full Body Assessment revision
- Working with the priority meridian entry point using the indicator drop
- Working with remedy filters and xenobiotic imprints
- Sarcodes, neuro-endocrine rebalancing and hormone imprints
- Practical session for you to learn how to test patients
- Practitioner Q&A, problem solving, case studies &…more!
Geoffrey Montague-Smith D.O
Your presenter is Geoffrey Montague-Smith D.O. an osteopath with over 20 years experience in the field of bio-energetic medicine.
Geoffrey qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in 1989 with the prize for Osteopathic Technique and has been in practice for over 24 years.
His unique holistic approach to his patient’s health combines advanced osteopathic techniques with EAV, vibrational medicine and spiritual psychotherapeutics for the treatment of a wide variety of conditions often succeeding where allopathic medicine may have failed.
He founded the Atman Clinic in 1995 as a centre of excellence for Holistic Osteopathic Medicine and the Atman Academy in 2008 to offer post graduate training to other practitioners 11:35 29/07/2013
Dates and Times

Exploring Bio-Energetic Medicine
Date and Time: To be confirmed
Intro: A one day workshop for practitioners interested in exploring the expanding field of Bio-Resonance, homotoxicology and patient testing with Electro-Acupuncture Instruments.
Address: The British School of Osteopathy, 98-118 Southwark Bridge Rd, London, SE1 0BQ
Price: £85 (includes course notes and refreshments)
“This course has been invaluable in providing a secondary skill to work perfectly alongside structural osteopathy. It has helped to assist diagnosis and find additional areas for treatment in many patients. In particular I have found that patients last longer in between their treatments when I use sound to aid their recovery. Watching Geoff incorporate it into daily practice inspired me to do the same as it is easy, requires minimal time and patients really do seem to enjoy the extra holistic aspect to their treatment! The course was thoroughly enjoyable and I would highly recommend it.”
– V Jones – Osteopath